Residential Driving Courses

Choose one of our residential driving courses and stay in accommodation in Hastings, Battle, Bexhill or Eastbourne depending on whether the test is taken at Eastbourne or Hastings

With no distractions from home you will be able to concentrate on your driving.

Tuition is for 4.5 hours each day, breaking midway for lunch. We will try to get your test for the last day of the course but this cannot be guaranteed due to the long waiting times on tests. All lessons will be on a one-to-one basis with an experienced qualified instructor.

The residential driving course includes, all tuition, test fees and administration. The tuition and driving test will take place in Eastbourne or Hastings.

The duration and costs are set out below. Take care when selecting a course – it should be appropriate to your current standard. We will be pleased to offer advice if required. The prices do not include the accommodation

In order to book one of our residential driving courses, you will have already passed the theory/hazard perception test. This will enable us to immediately book your driving test –of which we will try to scheduled to take place on the last day of your residential course.

12 Hour 3-Day Course
This suits the person who is very close to test standard or has just failed a test.Includes Tuition & Test.£523
18 Hour 4 Day course
If you can generally drive the car in and out of town but are still a bit wooden and need that final bit of polish and confidence, then go for this one.Includes Tuition & Test.£751
24 hour 5-day course
Have you just started? Can change gears, turn left and right and emerge on quiet roads.Includes Tuition & Test.£997
30 hour 6-day course
For the confident beginner who has had a few attempts at moving off and changing gears, and maybe has some moped riding/traffic experience.Includes Tuition & Test.£1207
36 hour 7-day course
Never driven on the road, but is young and confident with road machines or has had a moped or regularly rides a bike in traffic.Includes Tuition & Test.£1435
42 hour 8-day course
Are you nervous or a bit older and never bothered with cars previously? These extra hours will ease you in quietly and allow your confidence to grow.Includes Tuition & Test.£1663